We Are Not Alone

Scientists have discovered a new planet which they say could potentially support human life. Gliese 12b is a rocky planet just 40 light years away from our own with its size between Venus and Earth. The planet was discovered by an international team, in collaboration with NASA and the European Space Agency using data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Gliese 12b falls into what astronomers call a “goldilocks zone,” with an average temperature of 107 degrees Fahrenheit, which is common in summer in various parts of earth. It makes on ponder…are we not alone? Scientists are also on the verge of discovering how to bend space and travel in quantum leaps with warp speed. Can you say “intergalactic trade”? I know you can, with fond memory of Fred McFeely Rogers, better known as Mister Rogers. We love the science behind global trade compliance which is what we do at BLG.